Monday, December 10, 2018

Merry Christmas 2018

2018 has been a year of Grace-full blessings! We are most grateful for our life in Christ Jesus. We have witnessed His work and we have seen the contrast in a life devoid of Him. He has protected our health and provided purposeful work and service, so the rhythm of our lives is life-giving and enjoyable.

The Thompson Clan

Topping our list of blessings was a gathering of the Thompson children and their families. It’s possibly the last with all the cousins together as our oldest grands, those eagerly anticipated first babies a very few years ago, are turning 18. We have two 15-year-olds and the babies are 13. How did that happen?!? We are privileged to be their grands, treasuring memories of their childhood, and looking forward to seeing where life leads them.

H'Nuen and Y'Duen at his first Primary Care appointment

Witnessing the miracle of healing is a highlight of our lives. In 1992 our church sponsored a Montagnard refugee family of 10. The sixteen-year-old son limped terribly. We were told he had broken his leg in the jungle when he was three and his parents had set it. An orthopedic doctor told us there was nothing that could be done. We have remained friends and helped the family through the years. In April of 2017, they asked us to help Y’Duen as he was homebound  because of his leg and in constant pain, sometimes agony. We began the quest fearfully, thinking that the only pain relief would come through amputation. Y’Duen was unable to work and had no resources, so the first step was to get disability with Medicaid. Tom took him for the medical assessment. Initially the doctor said there was no way he could get disability because only one leg was affected. After examination the doctor’s heart melted. He could barely stand to look at the x-rays.  Y’Duen’s dislocated hip needed replacing. Seemingly insurmountable obstacles plagued us from April to November 22, 2017, the day he showed us his Medicaid card! We cried. God also sent us a primary care physician, an orthopedic doctor, and then a top orthopedic surgeon at Duke, all with hearts like Jesus. In mid-June Dr. Jiranek carved Y’Duen a hip socket, inserted a prosthesis, and lengthened his leg (and sciatic nerve). It’s a tough surgery and recovery, but he’s handled it beautifully. On Thanksgiving, we gave thanks with the family as Y’Duen walked for us. The sciatic nerve is still healing, but despite some pain when walking, Y’Duen’s smile is radiant. Our only regret is that his precious father died in October of 2017, so didn’t get to see this dream fulfilled.

It’s evident that you can take the Viking out of Norway, but you can’t take the Viking out of the guy! The Viking’s had a stellar year. He’s been carefully following the progress of the construction of the Draken Harald Hårfagre, a Viking ship in Norway, using traditional hand craftsmanship. He followed it daily as it left Haugesund in April of 2016 and sailed to North America. In September the Viking was thrilled to step aboard the ship in Norfolk. Ahh…dream come true! (Norfolk Photos)The Viking enjoyed bragging rights, and had a blast attending games, when his Augustana Vikings won the Division II College World Series National Championship in Cary, NC. The team website touted “The Road to Cary…” and they traveled home with Augie’s second ever national trophy. The first was in basketball in 2016. It was great fun to cheer them on with the player’s families and the university  president. The local Viking enjoyed celebrity status. Don’t make a Viking mad, as can be attested to by a troop of Fall Army worms that literally took out his treasured turf grass. He fights many garden marauders constantly – deer, moles, voles, and voracious caterpillars; but these insidious varmints brought devastation to a new level taking lush grass to bare dirt nearly overnight. But don’t maraud a seasoned Viking marauder. The Viking fought back daily with vengeance. We’re hoping for a restored lawn in the spring and the big gun will be on guard for next year’s crop of Army worms.

Proud Viking!

The Viking and his Grand Vikings

The Viking is quite civilized most of the time. We continue to enjoy Community Bible Study (CBS) leadership and our study of Corinthians. Our church brings great joy. A highlight was Confirmation of our first group of students. We, and they, are disappointed that our small group of two years will not continue; but, God  gave us six wonderful new Confirmands to walk with in their faith journey. Choir continues to bless. Singing the national anthem at a Durham Bulls game was thrilling. Serving on the Habitat trip was a gift of Grace. Our team is so special and so much fun! The precious family that received the house were amazing, inspiring us to work even more diligently. Service opportunities on the Night to Shine prom for disabled adults and Touched by Hope, a free medical clinic, bless us deeply. Our dear friend Krista Young and her family, missionaries in Africa, visited and it was wonderful to reconnect and hear of their work. The Viking showed off his hiking prowess at the men’s retreat and the ladies took it over the girly top at the women’s retreat. Great fun was had by all! Ann enjoyed a special, and very touching, experience as she helped sew comfort blankets from the clothing of a church daughter who had been murdered by her husband. Lauren’s friends of all ages, some of whom had never sewn, gathered to sew quilts for her mother and sisters. No words adequately describe the depth of love and God’s work that day. Our lives are so deeply embedded in the love and life of Christ Jesus that we did not realize the depth of depravity of life without Christ. We saw it firsthand at the trial of Lauren’s husband. Charisma and deception led this godly, faithful servant into a lair that ended in her tortuous murder. Abusive parents, satan worship, and drugs twisted Matt and launched his quest to kill an angel. Lauren’s family and friends refuse to allow evil to snuff out Lauren’s light, the Light of Christ. Their faithful response to this incomprehensible tragedy is an inspiration! As they grieve her loss, they’re working to inform women about domestic violence and combat it. May God boldly triumph over this evil. And may each of us stand strong for the faith and share Christ in this broken and troubled world so desperately in need of His Light.

Our Habitat Crew

Our Sewing Team

Sharing life with local family and friends brings delight. Sal’s joined us for Cirque du Soleil’s Crystal, performed on ice. It was, as always, spectacular. Our grandpuppy made her debut as “Toto” in The Wizard of Oz (Pawtographs available). Friends opened their homes in Nags Head and Lake Gaston to us for waterfront fun and fellowship. The CBS leadership conference refreshed and inspired us and was special with dear friends. The Barn Dinner Theater’s Steel Magnolias was enjoyable. We also enjoyed dates to the ballet, Artsplosure, an NC Symphony concert featuring the Krueger Brothers, a swing band, and celebrating a Viking birthday at the International Festival.  The Viking’s lady was treated to a fabulous Chihuly glass exhibit at Biltmore Estates, exploring Asheville, and a beautiful morning at the NC Arboretum. From there we enjoyed a lovely drive through the mountains to Kingsport, Tennessee to visit Ann’s cousins. Charles, the Newland family historian, joined us for deed searches in three counties, where we were surprised to learn that her Henderson great grandfather had been a prolific land speculator. It’s a privilege and delight to visit Charles and JoAnn. 

Miss Ruby

Charles and JoAnn

As 2018 speeds to a close we wait in wonder, anticipating the celebration of the birth of our Savior. May we keep our focus on Him instead of the secular holiday clutter, noise, and pressure to spend that began to permeate retail before Halloween, consuming and distracting us. For in Christ we find love, forgiveness, security, peace, and hope. Please come into our hearts, Lord Jesus!

 Merry Christmas!
Tom and Ann